For A Good Time Call…

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Looking for a good time?

Call me! I’m your friendly travel professional (aka travel agent, travel consultant, travel concierge).

I’ve now been in the travel industry for just over eight years, which still makes me a baby by some standards in the travel world. However, the best of us, new or old to the industry, is worth your time to call if you are looking for the best value in your travel experiences.
Why may you ask do I need a travel agent when there is so much available online? That, my friend, is exactly why you need a travel consultant (we prefer this over the antiquated use of an agent). The internet is awesome and is how I perform my business’s daily operations, but it is also daunting if you don’t know what to be looking for. It has its uses, and there are times when I will tell my clients it is in their best interest to go ahead and grab what they see online, but in most cases, your travel consultant will outperform any booking engine out there.

Here’s why…

Knowledge-Travel professionals, in general, know more than you do. In fact, we invest a lot of time, energy, and money into our profession. It is an ever-changing industry, and we are forever in learning mode. Through tourism board certification programs, supplier webinars, trade shows, personal development, and hands-on destination visits, we further our knowledge every day. Nothing teaches you better than visiting the destination. Besides seeing the destination, we experience what there is to do. There’s nothing like getting down and dirty with the locals and being able to come back and share with our clients the best tours, restaurants, or pubs to visit. Believe me, and we often can tell you if a place truly is what you see on the web. What is even better is a lot of us are now specialists in a specific type of travel or destination. Some are even hyper-specialized, like me, in the destination of Australia. I don’t call myself an Aussie Expert without good cause. Besides the continued online education I do with Australia Tourism and my suppliers, I will be making my 5th visit in 5 years this August.

Resources-All the visits, trade shows, and conferences lead to something even greater…a network of other highly specialized individuals at our disposal. We develop relationships with key people in our industry in the destinations we service, and we work with other agents. Yes, you heard me. We are not competitors. We are collaborators. I’ve even been known to have one of my fellow travel partners book my client’s vacation instead of me. What??? If it is in my client’s best interest to be matched with someone with greater expertise than myself, that’s exactly what I do. It all works out in the wash, and the ultimate goal is to provide my client with value and a trip they will never forget. I guarantee that your online booking engine is not consulting with other trained specialists to offer you the best choice.

Personal-Probably the best reason to use a travel professional is we care about you. Our primary goal is to get to know you! The best of us want to know everything about you. The more we know about you, the better we can match the right experiences to your trip. The longer you work with your professional, the greater the relationship becomes. Another bonus of working with a travel professional is we are there 24/7 to take care of your travel mishaps. Canceled flights, lost luggage, stolen items, whatever the case may be, you will get a person to help you through it. Crazy stuff doesn’t happen often, but believe me, when it does, you will be glad you booked your trip with your travel consultant.

I could go on with why you should call a travel professional. I challenge you to call me or another travel professional you know and experience what we can do for you. We are in an industry that is hard work but work we absolutely love. And when it is work you love, it isn’t working at all. When you build relationships with your clients, they aren’t clients but friends. There is a lot of passion that goes into what we do. Our greatest joy comes from following your journeys.

“Do something you’ll never forget”-Funjet Vacations.

Lisa Rossmeissl is the owner of Boomerang Escapes, a home-based agency located in Old Bridge, New Jersey with agents in TN, MS, and WI. 

She has been a professional travel consultant since 2008 and specializes in Australia and the South Pacific. Australia, New Zealand, Tahiti, Fiji, and Cook Islands are among the specialist certificates she holds.  Her agency’s focus is on creating custom itineraries with their client’s wants, desires, and budgets in mind.  She and her planners believe in getting to know the traveler to ensure they have a vacation to remember.  With each planner specializing in a different market area, Boomerang Escapes can offer a wide variety of leisure vacation planning.

Lisa RossmeisslFor A Good Time Call…

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