Set-Jetting: Travel Inspired by the Screen

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Set-Jetting: Travel Inspired by the Screen

In an era where our entertainment choices profoundly influence our lifestyles, it’s no surprise that travel is one of the sectors most impacted by our screen time. Enter “set-jetting,” a burgeoning travel trend where people plan trips inspired by the locations they see in movies and TV shows. As this trend continues to gain momentum, here’s why set-jetting is capturing the imaginations of travelers worldwide.

The Rise of Set-Jetting

Set-jetting, a term derived from combining “set” (as in film set) and “jet-setting,” involves visiting destinations featured in popular films and television series. This trend has been propelled by the increasing accessibility of global travel and the pervasive influence of visual media on our daily lives. According to a report by Expedia, more than half of travelers have researched or booked trips to destinations after seeing them on screen​ (Travel + Leisure)​.

Iconic Destinations and Their On-Screen Appeal

Some destinations have become iconic due to their on-screen portrayals. Here are a few notable examples:

  • New Zealand – The Lord of the Rings: New Zealand’s stunning landscapes were immortalized in Peter Jackson’s “The Lord of the Rings trilogy. Fans can explore the rolling hills of Hobbiton in Matamata, the volcanic landscapes of Tongariro National Park, and the dramatic fjords of Milford Sound​ (Travel + Leisure)​.
  • Tahiti – Mutiny on the Bounty: The breathtaking island of Tahiti provided the exotic backdrop for the classic film “Mutiny on the Bounty. Visitors can experience the pristine beaches and vibrant culture that captivates audiences​ (theweek)​.
  • Hawaii – Jurassic Park: Hawaii’s lush, tropical landscapes served as the setting for the iconic dinosaur-filled adventures in “Jurassic Park. Kauai’s Na Pali Coast and Oahu’s Kualoa Ranch are must-visit spots for franchise fans​ (Travel + Leisure)​.
  • Pandora – Avatar: While Pandora is a fictional world, China’s Zhangjiajie National Forest Park inspired the stunning Hallelujah Mountains. This UNESCO World Heritage site features towering sandstone pillars that mirror the floating mountains of “Avatar”​ (Travel + Leisure)​.
  • Paris, France: Immortalized by shows like “Emily in Paris, the City of Lights saw a 200% increase in travel searches following the release of the show’s most recent season​ (Travel + Leisure)​. Visitors are eager to experience the romance and charm depicted in the series, from strolling along the Seine to visiting quaint cafes.
  • Romania: The release of “Wednesday on Netflix has sparked a 150% increase in travel searches for Romania​ (Travel + Leisure)​. Fans are drawn to the gothic architecture and eerie landscapes that provide the perfect backdrop for the show.
  • Thailand: The third season of “The White Lotus, set in Thailand, has also stirred interest in the country’s picturesque beaches and luxurious resorts​ (theweek)​.

The Allure of the Screen

What makes set-jetting so appealing? Here are a few reasons:

  1. Immersive Experience: Visiting locations seen on screen allows fans to immerse themselves in the worlds of their favorite characters. It’s a chance to walk the same streets and visit the same places, creating a deeper connection with the narrative.
  2. Unique Memories: Set-jetting offers exceptional travel experiences beyond typical tourist activities. Whether dining at a restaurant featured in a movie or exploring lesser-known locales, these trips create lasting memories.
  3. Cultural Exploration: Many films and TV shows showcase their settings’ culture, history, and beauty. Set-jetting encourages travelers to learn more about these destinations and appreciate their unique qualities.

Planning Your Set-Jetting Adventure

If you’re considering a set-jetting trip, here are some tips and reasons to utilize your travel advisor to make the most of your adventure:

  • Research: Look up filming locations and plan your itinerary around them. Many fan sites and travel blogs offer detailed guides on famous movie and TV show locations. Contact your travel advisor. As travel advisors, we are privy to the logistics and destination knowledge of creating a seamless package experience.
  • Explore Beyond the Screen: While visiting specific filming spots is exciting, take advantage of the opportunity to explore the broader area. This is where your travel advisor can truly add some value. Often, a destination’s true charm lies in its hidden gems and local culture.
  • Stay Respectful: Many filming locations are people’s homes and workplaces. We always want to respect local residents and follow any guidelines or restrictions. As travel advisors, we are linked with the various tourism boards to ensure that the experiences you visit will not infringe upon the cultural limits when planning your trip.


Set-jetting is more than just a trend; it’s a way for fans to bring their favorite stories to life and create their own adventures. Whether you’re a fan of epic fantasies, classic dramas, or thrilling sci-fi, there’s a destination waiting to be explored. So, next time you watch a movie or binge a TV series, consider letting the screen inspire your next travel adventure.


Happy travels!


Lisa Rossmeissl is the owner of Boomerang Escapes, a home-based agency located in Old Bridge, New Jersey with agents in TN, MS, and WI. 

She has been a professional travel consultant since 2008 and specializes in Australia and the South Pacific. Australia, New Zealand, Tahiti, Fiji, and Cook Islands are among the specialist certificates she holds.  Her agency’s focus is on creating custom itineraries with their client’s wants, desires, and budgets in mind.  She and her planners believe in getting to know the traveler to ensure they have a vacation to remember.  With each planner specializing in a different market area, Boomerang Escapes can offer a wide variety of leisure vacation planning.

Lisa RossmeisslSet-Jetting: Travel Inspired by the Screen
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Iceland-Where Real Adventures Begin!

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It’s time to step off the beaten track and let the real adventures begin.

Iceland gained much popularity among travelers after being showcased in several reality TV shows. It continues to remain a hot destination request. It is a hidden gem in the North Atlantic, where Mother Nature’s handiwork is nothing less than spectacular. With its dramatic landscapes, stunning glaciers, geothermal wonders, and vibrant culture, Iceland is a destination like no other. If you’re seeking real adventures that will leave you in awe of the natural world, then Iceland is the place to be.

Let’s explore some of the reasons why Iceland is the place to travel. As with any destination, I like to begin with the people. Here, you will meet friendly, unassuming folk with a cultural heritage that dates back to the time of the Vikings, who first sailed across the Atlantic. Today, their society is one of modern vibrance and top on the foodie scene.

The Golden Circle is a must-visit for those looking to experience Iceland’s natural wonders up close. This popular route takes you to three of Iceland’s most famous attractions: the Geysir geothermal area, Gullfoss waterfall, and Þingvellir National Park. Witness the awe-inspiring Strokkur geyser eruptions and Gullfoss’s power as it cascades into a deep canyon. Þingvellir National Park, a UNESCO World Heritage site, offers a glimpse into Iceland’s geological history, with its rift valley formed by the separation of the North American and Eurasian tectonic plates.

A visit to Iceland would only be complete with a relaxing soak in the Blue Lagoon. This otherworldly geothermal spa is renowned for its milky-blue waters, rich in minerals, which are said to have healing properties. Soak in the warm, soothing waters surrounded by a stark lava field, and you’ll understand why this place is a bucket-list destination for travelers worldwide.

Iceland is one of the best places on Earth to witness the magical Northern Lights, also known as the Aurora Borealis. From late September to early April, the night sky comes alive with green, pink, and purple dancing lights. Head to remote areas with minimal light pollution for the best chance to witness this mesmerizing natural spectacle.

Iceland is home to some of Europe’s largest glaciers, offering thrilling opportunities for ice climbing, glacier hiking, and ice cave exploration. Strap on your crampons and explore the crystal-blue ice formations within Vatnajökull, Europe’s largest glacier. These adventures are not for the faint-hearted but promise an adrenaline rush and the chance to marvel at the ice world beneath your feet.

Iceland’s volcanic activity is both a marvel and a potential danger. The island boasts numerous active volcanoes, and you can even descend into the magma chamber of a dormant one, Thrihnukagigur, for a truly unique experience. Monitor local alerts and eruption predictions to witness volcanic activity safely.

Iceland’s waters are teeming with marine life, making it a prime destination for whale watching. Venture out to sea on a whale-watching tour, and you might spot humpback whales, orcas, minke whales, and more. Additionally, Iceland is a birdwatcher’s paradise, with puffins, arctic terns, and other seabirds making their homes along the rugged coastlines.

In Iceland, real adventures begin. It is for all traveler types. It has breathtaking beauty, natural wonders, and unforgettable experiences. Whether exploring glaciers, chasing the Northern Lights, or simply taking in the stunning landscapes, Iceland promises to leave you with memories that will last a lifetime. So, pack your bags and prepare to embark on the adventure of a lifetime in the Land of Fire and Ice!

Lisa Rossmeissl is the owner of Boomerang Escapes, a home-based agency located in Old Bridge, New Jersey, with agents in  NJ, TN, MS, and WI. 

She has been a professional travel consultant since 2008 and specializes in Australia and the South Pacific. Australia, New Zealand, Tahiti, Fiji, and Cook Islands are among the specialist certificates she holds.  Her agency’s focus is on creating custom itineraries with their client’s wants, desires, and budgets in mind.  She and her planners believe in getting to know the traveler to ensure they have a vacation to remember.  With each planner specializing in a different market area, Boomerang Escapes can offer a wide variety of leisure vacation planning.

Lisa RossmeisslIceland-Where Real Adventures Begin!
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Turn Your Toddlers into Travelers

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How to turn your toddlers into travelers?  Here is how I did it.

A few years back, in June of 2002, to be exact, friends and family thought I was crazy when I decided I was going to fly to Europe with our 3 children (aged 2, 4, and 6 years) by myself. My plan was to meet up with my husband, who at the time was working in Germany, and spend two weeks driving Germany and Austria. Friends were truly amazed that I would even think to bring toddlers on a plane, let alone on the flight to Europe.

For me, it was natural. Travel is one of the most important things you can give your children. I never really entertained the idea that taking our kids on a long trip would be a major issue and began to make plans. We had already made several long drive trips from the time they were infants and planes from the East Coast to the Midwest. I planned to make this trip special and do a few things that I felt would make our children the best travelers!

How did I make our toddlers the best travelers ever? Here are some of the things I incorporated into our two-week European adventure.

Make them a part of the planning process. Even at 2 years of age, your toddler should be allowed to express opinions of things they may want to see and do. Going to the library to pick up books about the area is a great help. Look through books, create an image of the trip. For example, we knew we would see castles in Germany, so we read stories such as Cinderella and Sleeping Beauty.

Introduce them to the language. I always think it is a courtesy to learn some of the words and phrases of the country you visit.  It doesn’t matter the age. We started learning German at home before our trip. I found a great children’s learning system, Muzzy. It is a cartoon story that engages the children and is all in the country’s language. We actually have it in German, Spanish, and French.

Include activities that make everyone happy. When planning our trip to Germany and Austria, we did a mix of things we as adults wanted to see and added fun things for the children. Some of the things we included for the children were LEGOLAND, amusement parks, and even a zoo.

Treat them like “big” people. Each of our children was given their own little backpack. They had their own camera, their own notebook, crayons, pens, pencils, cards, and small activity books in the pack. The cameras were one of the best things, as each child was allowed to snap pictures of whatever they liked. Our two-year-old was such a trooper. She hardly ever used her umbrella stroller.

Plan your time appropriately. Does your child still take a nap? Think about that when planning your outings. Think about the pace of each day and how much time you will be on the road or doing a particular activity. Remember to keep an eating schedule. When we planned this road trip, we never drove more than 4-5 hours in one day, and we never stayed less than two nights at any city stop.

Remain calm and positive. Kids will feed off the energy you give off. Even the best-laid plans can end in a toddler meltdown. Take a deep breath. This, too, shall pass. Remember, after all, it’s an adventure. Stuff happens, and it is that stuff that makes your trip memorable.

Are you ready to turn your toddler into a traveler?



Originally published November 2014; updated May 2021

Lisa Rossmeissl is the owner of Boomerang Escapes, a home-based agency located in Old Bridge, New Jersey with agents in TN, MS, and WI. 

She has been a professional travel consultant since 2008 and specializes in Australia and the South Pacific. Australia, New Zealand, Tahiti, Fiji, and Cook Islands are among the specialist certificates she holds.  Her agency’s focus is on creating custom itineraries with their client’s wants, desires, and budgets in mind.  She and her planners believe in getting to know the traveler to ensure they have a vacation to remember.  With each planner specializing in a different market area, Boomerang Escapes can offer a wide variety of leisure vacation planning.

Lisa RossmeisslTurn Your Toddlers into Travelers
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How Many Summers Do You Have Left?

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No summers left for me. My kids have left the nest. The years went by so much faster than I ever imagined they would.  Yet I remember all the special summers and things we did. Things seemed slower then. I particularly remember what was probably our largest summer trip. I spent a year planning it.  The kids were only toddlers, the three of them aged 2, 4, and 6 years.   I had planned a two-week driving trip in Germany and Austria for our little brood. It was the summer of 2002.  I can still see the shock on Cullen’s face when a goat decided to charge at him at the fence, the wide-open mouth of my youngest as she came down the rodelbahn with her dad and the look of astonishment on my oldest daughter when we slept in a castle just like the princesses in her fairy tales.  It was an incredible experience in so many ways.  We continued to have summer trips, some small, some large, some abroad, and some in our own backyard throughout the years. Truly moments I will forever cherish.

So how many summers do you have left?  How many summers have you taken that vacation?  There are many reasons why you should not skip it.  It doesn’t have to be far away or grand either to receive the gifts you get when you take time to vacation with your children before they are on their own.  Here is a list of my top reasons to take that summer vacation with your kids before their 18 summers are gone.

Discover Something New- You don’t have to go far to try new things or even learn new things.  I remember one summer with the kids where we actually were home, and I took boxes from the move and turned them into a make-believe airplane and suitcases. With help from books from the library, we traveled the world that summer in our very own backyard.

Appreciate The Ordinary- Something as simple as lying on your back looking up at the stars can so easily be achieved with a quick weekend camping trip.  I remember several of ours that took us to Arkansas and to Kentucky areas not far out of Memphis, where we were living at the time.  Nothing truly beats sitting by a fire with a marshmallow on the end of a stick.

Get Fully Submerged-When your adventure takes you away, get involved with the culture of the area. Join in a ritual or a dance. Learn some of the languages. Eat the foods they eat. Mingle with the locals. You and your children will be richer for it.

Be Silly-We are so serious when we are in our day-to-day. Work, school, and life’s mishaps. Vacations are the perfect time to let the laughs happen.  And even better, catch it on film and in pictures.   I can’t tell you how many photos we’ve gone back over to laugh at a moment in time.

Time is ticking. Summer is coming. Where will your vacations take you before your 18 are gone?

Lisa Rossmeissl is the owner of Boomerang Escapes, a home-based agency located in Old Bridge, New Jersey with agents in TN, MS, and WI. 

She has been a professional travel consultant since 2008 and specializes in Australia and the South Pacific. Australia, New Zealand, Tahiti, Fiji, and Cook Islands are among the specialist certificates she holds.  Her agency’s focus is on creating custom itineraries with their client’s wants, desires, and budgets in mind.  She and her planners believe in getting to know the traveler to ensure they have a vacation to remember.  With each planner specializing in a different market area, Boomerang Escapes can offer a wide variety of leisure vacation planning.

Lisa RossmeisslHow Many Summers Do You Have Left?
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The Hills Are Alive with the Sound of Music-Salzburg-Austria

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When arriving into Salzburg, your eye will first be caught by the brilliant color of the Salzhach. It is the main river running through this Austrian state. The river which in English means Salt River, was a very important part of the local economy. However, it truly is it’s blue sea color that will make you stop for a photo op. As you continue your journey into Salzburg, you will see it is a city of beautiful architect nestled amongst the Alpine surroundings.

Salzburg and Austria for that matter has plenty to offer for your vacation experience. I would suggest planning a couple or night or more stay with daily activities to explore the area. And if you are a fan of Sound of Music and fell in love with the beauty of Austria from years of watching Julia Andrews sing “The Hills are Alive with the Sound of Music..” then you’ll want to include on one of the day trips to explore all the famous film spots used in creating this heart warming story of the family Von Trapp. Several operators offer “The Sound of Music Tour” that lets you relive your favorite scenes from the movie. Typical adventures are about 4 hours in length and while you visit the film’s iconic landmarks your guide will also fill you in on the historical background of Salzburg pointing out top attractions with their stories.

So sit back, relax, and even sing along as you visit these highlights:

Mirabell Gardens- The garden where Maria and the children are seen singing ‘Do-Re-Mi’
Leopoldskron Palace- A stop here at the lake where the famous boat scene happens and all tumble into the water.
Hellbrun Palace, Gazebo-“I’m 16 going on 17…” and where Maria and Captain von Trapp have their first kiss.
Nonnberg Abbey-The oldest convent in German speaking Europe and famous for the opening sing with nuns singing when Maria runs in late to the Abbey.
St. Michael’s Church in Mondsee-The church where Maria and Baron vonTrapp marry
Frohnburg Palace-This palace was used for opening scenes as Maria first stumbles in with her clothes that nobody wanted as she arrives at the house gates.

As well as other scenic highlights and attractions of Salzburg.

For the fan, the tour is a dream come true, as like myself, you will be reliving childhood memories of years gone by.

For more information on visiting Austria, Salzburg, or adding a “Sound of Music” tour to your itinerary, contact us!


Lisa Rossmeissl is the owner of Boomerang Escapes, a home-based agency located in Old Bridge, New Jersey with agents in TN, MS, and WI. 

She has been a professional travel consultant since 2008 and specializes in Australia and the South Pacific. Australia, New Zealand, Tahiti, Fiji, and Cook Islands are among the specialist certificates she holds.  Her agency’s focus is on creating custom itineraries with their client’s wants, desires, and budgets in mind.  She and her planners believe in getting to know the traveler to ensure they have a vacation to remember.  With each planner specializing in a different market area, Boomerang Escapes can offer a wide variety of leisure vacation planning.

Lisa RossmeisslThe Hills Are Alive with the Sound of Music-Salzburg-Austria
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Passport for Your Palate-Pot de crème

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In the spirit of February, a month know for romance, flowers, and chocolate, I thought I would share one of my all-time childhood favorite desserts that my mom would make. After all, Chocolate Day is celebrated the third day of Valentine’s week which we just celebrated last week. And, what says “I Love You” better than a box of chocolates.

Chocolate, at least in my world, makes everything better. Chocolate is my “go to” when I need an instant mood pick me up. It is like an instant shot of happiness. Best yet, there are facts that this delicacy really does have that ability to improve one’s mood if not provide much more. Chocolate actually has many health benefits that include regulating heart circulation, reducing cholesterol, and even aiding in weight loss. It’s celebration in use in February is tied to its reputation for being an aphrodisiac.

Pot de crème is a French dessert custard dating to the 17th century.

The name means ‘pot of cream’ or ‘pot of custard’ which refers to the little ceramic dishes the dessert is served in. One only needs a small amount of this lavishly rich flavored treat that is made with eggs and/or egg yolks, cream, milk, and chocolate. It is fairly simple, yet your family and guests will think you slaved over it. I had the pleasure of enjoying my favorite treat over the holidays, when my mother made it for me on my last visit to Vermont. Here is her version that I have grown up with and continue to devour and make for my family.

Pot de crème au chocolat

1 bar (4oz) Germans sweet chocolate
1 tbsp sugar
1/2 cup cream
2 egg yolks, slightly beaten
1/2 tsp vanilla
Whipped cream

Mix chocolate, sugar, and cream in saucepan and heat over medium heat, stirring constantly, until chocolate melts and mixture becomes smooth and blended. Remove from heat. Slowly pour into egg yolks, stirring constantly. Blend in vanilla. Pour into small individual dessert dishes or demi-tasse cups. Chill. Garnish with whipped cream.

4 servings.

Lisa Rossmeissl is the owner of Boomerang Escapes, a home-based agency located in Old Bridge, New Jersey with agents in TN, MS, and WI. 

She has been a professional travel consultant since 2008 and specializes in Australia and the South Pacific. Australia, New Zealand, Tahiti, Fiji, and Cook Islands are among the specialist certificates she holds.  Her agency’s focus is on creating custom itineraries with their client’s wants, desires, and budgets in mind.  She and her planners believe in getting to know the traveler to ensure they have a vacation to remember.  With each planner specializing in a different market area, Boomerang Escapes can offer a wide variety of leisure vacation planning.

Lisa RossmeisslPassport for Your Palate-Pot de crème
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Passport for Your Palate-Backhendl-(Austrian Style Fried Chicken)

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One thing I know and have discovered through years of research into my family line on is that I have Austrian influence in my genes. My mother’s maiden name was Pivarnik, which means “son of the beer maker” and is of Bavarian descent. I even married a man with Austrian heritage. My ex-husband’s last name, Rossmeissl, means “horse chisel.” With Austrian influence on both sides, it was no surprise we had grown up with similar meals passed down along our family lines. However, it wasn’t until a family trip in 2003 exploring the Austrian and German countryside, cuisine, and drink, that we began cooking backhendl (pronounced BAK-ehn-del).

Backhendl is simply an Austrian version of fried chicken using a whole chicken.

I adapted a recipe from from the Gourmet September 1990 issue after having an Austrian au pair help me out with the children the summer of 2006 at our home in Bartlett, TN. She introduced us to several Austrian customs and flavors. She even sent me a cookbook for my birthday after her return to her Graz, Austria to finish university. The adapted recipe I am about to share became a fan favorite at our neighborhood’s association International Food Fair with requests coming prior to the event asking if I could bring that amazing chicken dish. Southerners love their fried chicken. The event and having young children at the time were some of the reasons I created adaptations to the recipe. And since, I have adapted it again to accommodate my youngest daughter’s Celiac Disease restrictions.

Here is my twist and adaptation on this classic favorite. I’ve added notes as to my changes while leaving the original recipe from Epicurious intact, so you can adjust as you see fit for your taste and dining desire.


Two 3-pound chickens – I first started doing this just with chicken legs (skin removed) for the DPHA International Food Fair and then changed over to the boneless skinless chicken strips to make eating even easier and more kid friendly.
All-purpose flour seasoned with salt and pepper for dredging the chicken.- To make this gluten-free for my youngest daughter, I now substitute gluten-free flour easily found at your local grocery store often in the organic or natural foods aisle.
3 large eggs, beaten lightly
2 cups stale fine bread crumbs- To make gluten-free I like to toast my daughter’s favorite brand of gluten-free bread and then put into the food processor to turn into crumbs. The grocery store now has gluten free bread crumbs as well as croutons that can be processed to make crumbs as well.
Vegetable oil for deep frying

Fresh thyme branches for garnish (optional)
Tomato chutney as an accompaniment (optional) My kids still like to grab the Heinz ketchup.

If using whole chicken, quarter each chicken, discarding the first 2 joints of the wings. Remove the breastbones and ribs and remove the skin and any fat. Have ready in 3 wide shallow bowls ( I use my glass pie plates) the flour, the eggs, and the bread crumbs. Dredge the chicken in the flour, shaking off excess, dip it in the egg, letting the excess drip off, and coat it well with the bread crumbs, shaking off the excess. Arrange the chicken on a baking sheet lined with wax paper and chill it, uncovered for 30 minutes. The chicken may be prepared up to this point 1 day in advance and kept uncovered and chilled. ( I believe this is the secret step…shhh)

In a large deep skillet heat 1 inch of the oil to 350F and in it fry the chicken in batches without crowding, turning it, for 5 minutes, or until it is golden brown, transferring it as it is fried to paper towels to drain. Arrange chicken on a rack in a shallow pan and bake it in the middle of a preheated 350F oven for 15 minutes for the breast pieces and 20 minutes for the leg pieces. (If using boneless chicken strips you can cut times about 1/2. Depends on the thickness of your strips.) Arrange the chicken on heated platters, garnish with thyme, and serve it with the chutney.

Note: Some recipes garnish with lemon wedges and/ or add it in during the dredging process.

2 whole chickens makes 8 servings.

Want to add some fun to this meal? Get the kids involved. I have 3, so each kid was in charge of one of the coating stations for the chicken. Ever since they could walk, I have made meal prep time fun and adventurous for the family with one child always getting to be cook’s helper with their own aprons. Aprons that we actually created and designed our self with paints and food shaped stamps from your local craft store. What better way to introduce yourself and your family to other parts of the world than through your palate? And trust me, you can’t go wrong with this one. I mean who doesn’t love fried chicken???

Photo courtesy of

Lisa Rossmeissl is the owner of Boomerang Escapes, a home-based agency located in Old Bridge, New Jersey with agents in TN, MS, and WI. 

She has been a professional travel consultant since 2008 and specializes in Australia and the South Pacific. Australia, New Zealand, Tahiti, Fiji, and Cook Islands are among the specialist certificates she holds.  Her agency’s focus is on creating custom itineraries with their client’s wants, desires, and budgets in mind.  She and her planners believe in getting to know the traveler to ensure they have a vacation to remember.  With each planner specializing in a different market area, Boomerang Escapes can offer a wide variety of leisure vacation planning.

Lisa RossmeisslPassport for Your Palate-Backhendl-(Austrian Style Fried Chicken)
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