Why An All-Inclusive Resort Vacation May Be Right For You!

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All-Inclusive. What is all-inclusive, and why may an all-inclusive vacation be right for you?

Well, according to the Travel Industry Dictionary, the term means one price covers all listed elements of a package or, as a noun, a resort at which a single price covers lodging, meals, and activities. All-inclusive resorts have transformed the Caribbean vacation experience.

The Caribbean is the backdrop for most of these resorts, having captured vacationers for generations. I mean, who isn’t drawn in by lush green mountains, brilliant sunshine, warm breezes, and beautiful blue waters? Travelers will find that the resorts in the Caribbean have something for everyone. They cater to both the young crowd looking for fun and couples and families looking for a quieter scene. Besides being ideal for just about any traveler style, there are many other benefits all-inclusive resort vacations provide.

You will have a more enjoyable getaway because you don’t have to keep thinking about the money you are spending. When you book an all-inclusive, you have already prepaid for all your food, drinks, and relaxation. Most all-inclusive resorts not only include all your food, drink, and property activities, but some go so far as actually to include excursions such as catamaran sailing. For many, that means that other than your souvenirs, your wallet never has to come out. This is a particularly great feature for those on a budget. Knowing ahead of time what you will be spending before you leave home and knowing you won’t have a large bill upon your return makes for a more relaxing experience while on vacation. One of the reasons we go on vacation is to escape our routines. And what better place than an all-inclusive one that lets you determine what you will do each day or not do? The resorts provide a daily activity newsletter to your room, letting you know when things are happening, and it is purely up to you as to whether you participate or choose to lay in a chair all day. Dining is just as grand. They offer a wide range of dining experiences from sit down, buffets, theme nights, room service, and private dining experiences. Today’s resorts keep offering more and more dining options, providing an around-the-world tasting pleasure.

Family travelers will love the amenities that keep their kids happy. The best resorts offer kids programs usually ranging from age 4 to 12, where parents can drop their kids off for various daily activities. Our favorite pick is Beaches Resorts because of the array of activities and inclusions provided. Beaches Resorts cater from infants through to your difficult tweens. They can accommodate special needs children as well.

Couples will love the romance extras that are included. Some of our favorite resorts, Sandals, Secrets, and Couples, provide honeymooners with special romantic amenities such as champagne and rose petals in the room or a drawn bath with lit candles. Plus, these resorts are what we refer to as adult-only, couples-only. And of course, a destination wedding at a resort can be a huge cost saver for couples compared to a traditional wedding at home, combining both their wedding and their honeymoon.

So, is an all-inclusive vacation right for you?

Travelers can find a nearly perfect escape in today’s all-inclusive resorts. With various amenities, facilities, and services to choose from at each property, a perfect fit is nearly guaranteed to be found. Beware, not all all-inclusive resorts are created equal. With the vast selection of Caribbean destinations and resorts to choose from, we recommend travelers contact a local travel agent to match them with the right resort.

We were honored that this article was originally featured in the December 2014 issue of Your True Colours magazine. Recently updated March 2021.

Lisa Rossmeissl is the owner of Boomerang Escapes, a home-based agency located in Old Bridge, New Jersey with agents in TN, MS, and WI. 

She has been a professional travel consultant since 2008 and specializes in Australia and the South Pacific. Australia, New Zealand, Tahiti, Fiji, and Cook Islands are among the specialist certificates she holds.  Her agency’s focus is on creating custom itineraries with their client’s wants, desires, and budgets in mind.  She and her planners believe in getting to know the traveler to ensure they have a vacation to remember.  With each planner specializing in a different market area, Boomerang Escapes can offer a wide variety of leisure vacation planning.

Lisa RossmeisslWhy An All-Inclusive Resort Vacation May Be Right For You!

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