Cleland Wildlife Park-An Adelaide Animal Experience

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Many of you may have realized koalas are my favorite. But, it is not just the koala. I am wild about wildlife. I have been since a child. Koalas, along with the other amazing Australian wildlife, have been my inspiration for years. It is no wonder that Australia’s animals rank high for traveler’s top reasons to visit, and Australia does not disappoint with nearly every imaginable encounter you can think of.

Truly, no matter which state or territory you decide to visit, you will be able to include a wildlife experience in your itinerary.

Upon my most recent visit Down Under to Adelaide, I enjoyed introducing my son to my love of Australian wildlife. Adelaide is the capital of South Australia, which is “wildly” know for its wildlife experiences. With this visit, I made sure that our first full day in the state would be filled with an experience he wouldn’t forget.

We were staying in the heart of Adelaide near Cleland Wildlife Park.

Being close to the city center, the park can be reached by public transport or even a cab. We decided to opt for having the hotel desk call us a cab. A note to the wise, be sure your cab driver actually knows his own city before leaving the hotel. Our ride over to the park was a bit like an episode from “The Amazing Race,” where the driver says, “Yes, I know where that is.”, and then you find yourself pulling up to the wrong park. After that, you find the clearly has no clue where he is going. Fortunately, I kept a global data plan on my phone and was able to call up maps and guide the cab driver to our destination.

The park is open daily from 9:30 a.m.-5:00 p.m. (except for Christmas). What makes the wildlife parks in Australia a bit more unique than the familiar American zoo is the close and personal encounters you get to have with the wildlife. Imagine yourself in a giant kid zoo. Different educational and close encounters are scheduled throughout the day. The park has an eatery and gift shop as well. When buying your ticket (which runs about AUD 22), you can pick up a map along with food for the animals.

Our first stop was to head to the kangaroos. We were there during spring and got to see so many little joeys in their mom’s pouches. My son was amazed at how close you could get with them. You could even lay or sit beside them. It was like pulling teeth to have him move onto the next area where the wallabies were because he was so intrigued by all the little joeys popping their heads out. He had great fun taking selfies and making videos on the Go-Pro. Nearby the wallabies were the wombats. Now, these guys you could not feed, but the enclosures still made for great viewing. They even had white ones.

After a good hour or more feeding the kangaroos and wallabies, we finally moved on to explore the rest of the park with birds galore, reptiles, and the koalas as the main attraction. South Australia is one of Australia’s remaining states that still allows a “cuddle with a koala.” Of course, I couldn’t wait. I could never get enough koala cuddles in my lifetime. What was really the best for me was to see my son’s delight and watch him fall in love with my passion as well. The cuddle was a grand experience as we got to hold an adult male. Having only cuddled young ones of 1-3 yrs, this guy was a hefty fellow but loved it all the same.

We worked our way back through the park and stopped for some lunch before heading back to the kangaroos, which proved to be one of my son’s favorites. With still one bag of food left, we couldn’t let it go to waste. We spent nearly six hours at the park that day. With souvenirs for his friends in hand, we had the ladies at the entry call us a cab for the ride back to the hotel. Luckily, it was a much shorter trip this time. If you ask either of us, we would definitely recommend a day trip from Adelaide to this wonderful nature reserve.


Lisa Rossmeissl is the owner of Boomerang Escapes, a home-based agency located in Old Bridge, New Jersey with agents in TN, MS, and WI. 

She has been a professional travel consultant since 2008 and specializes in Australia and the South Pacific. Australia, New Zealand, Tahiti, Fiji, and Cook Islands are among the specialist certificates she holds.  Her agency’s focus is on creating custom itineraries with their client’s wants, desires, and budgets in mind.  She and her planners believe in getting to know the traveler to ensure they have a vacation to remember.  With each planner specializing in a different market area, Boomerang Escapes can offer a wide variety of leisure vacation planning.

Lisa RossmeisslCleland Wildlife Park-An Adelaide Animal Experience
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Living on the Edge

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It was a beautiful warm winter’s day in Auckland, New Zealand. My son and I were now about halfway through our Australia/New Zealand adventure. I had been fortunate at the end of 2014 to win a trip from my regular attendance of Down Under Answers webinars. I was the lucky name picked from the draw that December and had decided I would take my son on the adventure of a lifetime as a combination present for his 18th birthday and upcoming high school graduation for May 2016. We planned throughout the first months of 2015 as to what he wanted to do. His big request was for adventure.

He said, “Mom, you can pick some things you like in Australia, but I get to pick what we do in New Zealand.” One of his big dreams was to try Bungy Jumping. He had recently seen a YouTube video of Ian Swain II from Swain Destinations Travel that I had shared on my business Facebook page. As we watched the video, my heart was already in panic mode as I had a major anxiety attack. Heights has been a long time fear. Then there was Cullen, so psyched for this opportunity. In the end, based on time, where we were visiting, and my fear, we compromised to do the AJ Hackett Bungy jump off the Auckland Bridge. Yes, that is right, I said: “we.”

The Auckland Bridge Jump seemed like a suitable jump for me to scare the living crap out of myself. It wasn’t nearly the height of the one we watched Ian do, and it was still over water. It is amazing the things a parent will commit to and do for the love of their child.

So, here we were on this spectacular day preparing for our jump. I kept breakfast that morning to the bare minimum. We had a taxi take us to the bridge office and signed over our lives. The staff was wonderful in hooking us up with our gear and preparing us for what we were about to embark upon. We followed our guide across the street, through a door, and onto the bridge’s metal girdle. Tethered to the bridge by our safety link, we made our way to the waiting platform while waiting for the group ahead of us to finish their jumps. The screams from the current jumpers only added to my already weak knees and sick to the stomach self as I looked over the edge. Then, it was our turn to ascend the stairs to the jumping platform.

Again, the staff was amazing. Coaxing me through all the ins and outs and latching us into our safety gear. Cullen, my son, would leap first. I was more than happy to let him go but nearly died when he went off the platform. The fear of him not returning from his plunge was almost too much for a mother to bear. But, there he was being pulled up, head soaked, beaming a smile as wide as a mile across his face. He had opted for the water plunge with his jump. Me, I was going to keep it simple and go for the basic jump.

There I was, legs bound, taking my baby shuffle to the edge of the platform. I believe I was literally shaking hard enough to move the bridge. I began to curse Cullen and cry out that I could not do it. Then the jump operator said, “You have this!” “Look up and smile and then just go.” I looked up, said my prayers, gave a waning smile, and then over the edge I went. A blood-curdling scream released from me, and then it stopped. Everything stopped. I was there frozen in time, looking at the beautiful blue water. It was the most surreal moment I have ever experienced. Next was a bounce followed by a swing, and my heart went wild. I made an early release from the leg restraints to bring myself upright and look up to see bridge climbers waving at me. I looked around. I was alive! Still terrified, but I had done it! I had gone off the edge. I experienced one of the most magical moments of my life. Will I do it again? Probably not…well, unless, of course, one of my children asks me to. There isn’t anything in this world that I wouldn’t do for one of them.

And that, my friends, is living on the edge.


Lisa Rossmeissl is the owner of Boomerang Escapes, a home-based agency located in Old Bridge, New Jersey with agents in TN, MS, and WI. 

She has been a professional travel consultant since 2008 and specializes in Australia and the South Pacific. Australia, New Zealand, Tahiti, Fiji, and Cook Islands are among the specialist certificates she holds.  Her agency’s focus is on creating custom itineraries with their client’s wants, desires, and budgets in mind.  She and her planners believe in getting to know the traveler to ensure they have a vacation to remember.  With each planner specializing in a different market area, Boomerang Escapes can offer a wide variety of leisure vacation planning.

Lisa RossmeisslLiving on the Edge
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Bora Bora Shark and Sting Ray Excursion

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Dunt Dunt Dunt Dunt Dunt Dunt Dunt Dunt….. Did your mind quickly conjure up the movie Jaws? Jaws was a thriller, blockbuster film released in 1975, by director Steven Spielberg, with the unforgettable theme music to portray the shark attack. Were you, like me, afraid to enter water ever again?

Nevermind, thinking of swimming, especially thinking about swimming in deep ocean water. Since the film’s release and its later sequels, I wonder how many of us developed this fear of being eaten alive.

For me, I was fine with going in the ocean or other waters as long as I could see my feet and touch the bottom. Dark, deep waters were out for me, especially after I was subjected to swimming in lake water where I could not see but only feel the things that rubbed up against me. I still shudder.

However, on my most recent trip to French Polynesia and her island of Bora Bora, I participated in an excursion, which became one of the best moments and activities of my entire visit. We did the Swim with the Sharks and Sting Rays excursion.

I was so excited! My mind was like, “cool,” we will be in a contained area of shallow water with sharks and stingrays. Wrong!

The Shark and Sting Ray excursion in Bora Bora is roughly a 3-hour small-group excursion.

They take you out by boat. And when I say out, I mean out to the wide, open, deep, blue sea. Clear as a bell, but don’t even think about touching here. When the boat dropped anchor and realized we were getting out into the open waters, my heart started pounding. Snorkel gear was handed out, and we were told that if we didn’t want to get in, we could stay in the confines of the boat, where I could watch the feeding of the sharks while the others snorkeled with them. Well, as they say, “When in Rome..” So, I gathered up all my nerve, put on my gear, scooted my rear to the edge of the boat, and jumped in! Oh my gosh, it was so amazing to put my face in the water and see the tropical fish and shark swimming around me as the driver of the boat sprinkled food across the top of the water. These were blacktip sharks, not known for desiring humans, and certainly not nearly as frightening as the Great White portrayed in Jaws. We also saw a few nurse sharks a bit deeper in the water.

Once back on board the boat, I was so exhilarated. I was just beaming, for not only the experience, but the fact that I had conquered my fear. I was so excited to head to our next spot to see the sting ray. The sting rays were awesome! When the boat anchored here, all we needed was a pair of reef (water) shoes. The water was only about waist deep. Once we were all in the water, the guide got in with a bucket of food. The sting rays along with a few more blacktip sharks immediately surrounded us. They were like puppy dogs or cats, but much more slimy feeling, rubbing up against us. So playful! We had fun stealing kisses and petting them. I hated to leave and move onto our third stop.

The last stop of the excursion took us to the Coral Garden.

We once again donned our snorkel gear and hopped overboard for a swim amongst the rainbow colored coral and tropical fish. The fish loved to get really close whenever you stayed still, even bumping into your face mask. We all tried very hard to capture a picture of ourselves underwater with the “I Love Bora Bora” written in the depths below us. The morning couldn’t have been any better. It was truly an event I will never forget and certainly will repeat on future trips to Bora Bora.

Lisa Rossmeissl is the owner of Boomerang Escapes, a home-based agency located in Old Bridge, New Jersey with agents in TN, MS, and WI. 

She has been a professional travel consultant since 2008 and specializes in Australia and the South Pacific. Australia, New Zealand, Tahiti, Fiji, and Cook Islands are among the specialist certificates she holds.  Her agency’s focus is on creating custom itineraries with their client’s wants, desires, and budgets in mind.  She and her planners believe in getting to know the traveler to ensure they have a vacation to remember.  With each planner specializing in a different market area, Boomerang Escapes can offer a wide variety of leisure vacation planning.

Lisa RossmeisslBora Bora Shark and Sting Ray Excursion
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Follow My Amazing Aussie Adventure

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Follow My Aussie Adventure

My #amazingaussieadventure is about to begin…

you will be able to see what I am up to by following my social media pages as well as popping over to Travel2 ‘s facebook page. Follow the following hashtags #amazingaussieadventure, #myhappyplace, #boomerangescapes. I along with 60 other agents are headed Down Under for an #amazingaussieadventure.

We have been divided into 6 groups. Each group will be experiencing a different Australian experience. My adventure is “Reef, Rainforest and City”. My trip includes two world heritage sites located next to each other, the Daintree Rainforest, and the Great Barrier Reef.

My journey begins by traveling from Memphis to LA via Delta Airlines to catch my Virgin Australia flight that will take me across the dateline. Once we land in Sydney on August 20th, we will catch a domestic flight and head to North Queensland.

Hello, Australia! Let the adventure begin.

Day 1- The first stop will be the Pullman Port Douglas Sea Temple Resort & Spa. The Pullman Port Douglas Sea Temple Resort & Spa is a five star resort located on Four Mile Beach-gateway to the Great Barrier Reef and Daintree Rainforest. This spacious retreat features a range of Port Douglas accommodation styles, situated around one of the largest lagoon pools in the Southern Hempisphere. Once checked in, the remainder of the afternoon is mine to rest, relax, have a swim in the pool, or take a walk on famous Four Mile Beach.
Day 2- Kicks off with a leisurely breakfast. After breakfast, I will be picked up from the hotel for my Quicksilver Outer Barrier Reef Cruise. This will be an experience of a lifetime as the Quicksilver’s wave-piercing catamarans and friendly crew take me out to the reef at the very edge of Australia’s Continental Shelf, to an underwater world that is a dazzling kaleidoscope of color and brilliance. I will be located on Agincourt Reef, where I will not only snorkel and explore the living natural wonder below the waters, but I will also be going to see this amazing world from above in my helicopter tour. The day will end with a casual dinner and site inspection at the beautiful Thala Beach Resort before my return to the Sea Temple for a good night’s rest.
Day 3-Pack my bags and grab some breakfast and prepare for my Down Under Tours Daintree Walkabout including Kuku Yalanji Dreamtime Walk a Mossman Gorge. A unique expereience as I join the Kuku Yalanji Dreamtime Walk at Mossman Gorge, learning of dreamtime legends, bush tucker sources and traditional plant use before tea, damper and question time with my indigenous guide. The tour will include a delicious lunch at Silky Oaks Lodge overlooking the beautiful Mossman River, before taking an informative cruise on the Daintree River before returning to Cairns. Upon arriving in Cairns we will check into the Pacific Hotel Cairns. After a dinner, sponsored by Pacific Hotel Cairns, I will be able to walk the Esplanade and experience Cairns by night. Possibly picking up some bargains at the Night Markets, or win a fortune at the Reef Casino, all 5 minutes walk from the hotel.
Day 4-After breakfast, I will be picked up by Down Under Answers Tours Kuranda for a an all inclusive tour. The morning will begin at Tjapukai Aboriginal Cultural Park where an indigenous guide will show me the park, including bush food demonstrations, didgeridoo demonstrations, movie theatres, fire making demonstrations and the famous Tjapukai Dance Troupe. All followed by a buffet lunch at Boomerang Restaurant. The day continues with a rid on the Skyrail Rainforest Cableway. Eventually arriving in Kuranda Village with free time to explore. Finally, I will board the Kuranda Scenic Rail, winding through hand-hewn tunnels, across bridges and around curves, all the time appreciating what an amazing engineering feat this is. The evening returns us to Cairns with dinner at Barnacle Bill’s Seafood Restaurant and free time after to further explore the Esplanade.
Day 5– Time to grab my bags and catch my flight to Hamilton Island. Hamilton Island is the largest inhabited island of the Whitsundays Islands in Queensland, Australia, positioned approximately 887 kilometers north of Brisbane and 512 kilometers south of Cairns.
Day 6-Time for agents to work as we spend a day in Trade Training with a dinner hosted by Tourism Queensland.
Day 7-Play day. After breakfast, I will take a cruise out to the famous Whitehaven Beach for a day of snorkeling, swimming and sunbathing. Plus, a highlight as I get to partake in a scenic flight over the Whitsundays. The evening is free as I get to explore and select one of Hamilton’s Island’s restaurants with one of my new friends.
Day 8– Time to depart this amazing island and head for Sydney. In Sydney, I will be checking into Holiday Inn Old Sydney. Located in the heart of The Rocks, this heritage-listed hotel enjoys spectacular view of the Harbour Bridge and Opera house. My dinner will be aboard Captain Cook Cruises on Sydney Harbour. The evening will be spent exploring some of the famous old pubs in The Rocks with my travel mates.
Day9-Grab a good breakfast before being picked up by AEA Luxury Tours for their full day Blue Mountains tour. Here I will get to revisit Featherdale Wildlife Park, view the famous 3 Sisters and lunch at Blackheath Golf Club. After lunch, I will spend the afternoon visiting a selection of lookouts including the famed Govett’s Leap. The remainder of the afternoon will be left open for some souvenir shopping before heading to Lavendar Bay for dinner.
Day 10-Time to return home. Goodbye Australia!

Any or all of these experiences can be customized for your own Australia Vacation Package. I would love to talk to you when I return and tell you about my #amazingaussieadventure!


Lisa Rossmeissl is the owner of Boomerang Escapes, a home-based agency located in Old Bridge, New Jersey with agents in TN, MS, and WI. 

She has been a professional travel consultant since 2008 and specializes in Australia and the South Pacific. Australia, New Zealand, Tahiti, Fiji, and Cook Islands are among the specialist certificates she holds.  Her agency’s focus is on creating custom itineraries with their client’s wants, desires, and budgets in mind.  She and her planners believe in getting to know the traveler to ensure they have a vacation to remember.  With each planner specializing in a different market area, Boomerang Escapes can offer a wide variety of leisure vacation planning.

Lisa RossmeisslFollow My Amazing Aussie Adventure
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3 Adventure Sports Invented in New Zealand

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Did you know New Zealand is known for inventing Adventure Sports?

New Zealand has set its claim as a world-renowned adventure spot in what would appear to be a sedate country where you can find yourself in conversation with a stranger on the bus. In this picturesque backdrop of mountains, water rapids, rivers, lakes, and fields, New Zealanders, each day, think up new ways to manufacture that adrenaline rush. If you are an adrenaline junky, then you might want to skip yourself to the Southern Hemisphere for a try at one of these adventures.

Bungy Jumping -New Zealand’s most famous sporting export after the All Blacks screams craziness. This sport was invented in 1986 by A J Hackett when he took one “small step” off Auckland’s Greenhithe Bridge. The sport went commercial within a couple of years as he bated tourists and charged them to repeat this great trick in Queensland.

I had the pleasure of experiencing the jump off the bridge in Auckland to read more about the experience read ‘Living on the Edge.’

Zorbing- Ever desired to roll yourself down a hill encased in a ball? David and Andrew Akers did when they established the first zorbing site in Rotorua. Generally performed on a gentle slope, but can be done on flatlands while some operators have developed special ramps. Zorbing can be done single, double, or even triple, depending on if it is harnessed or non-harnessed. The longest runs are about a half-mile.

Jet Boating- Suitable for all ages and enjoyed year-round Jet Boating has been with us since its inception in 1954 by Sir William Hamilton. The Shotover Jet, located in Queenstown, is New Zealand’s iconic jet boat. It has serviced over 3 million people since 1970. Brace yourself as you power through gorges, skim across the surface, and weave among the banks of braided rivers.

Are you ready? Then sit back, buckle yourself in, and feel the exhilaration that only New Zealand can deliver!

*The Ledge Bungy photo by AJ Hackett Bungy New Zealand
* Zorb at Sunset photo by Zorb Rotorua
Revised 1/20/2019


Lisa Rossmeissl is the owner of Boomerang Escapes, a home-based agency located in Old Bridge, New Jersey with agents in TN, MS, and WI. 

She has been a professional travel consultant since 2008 and specializes in Australia and the South Pacific. Australia, New Zealand, Tahiti, Fiji, and Cook Islands are among the specialist certificates she holds.  Her agency’s focus is on creating custom itineraries with their client’s wants, desires, and budgets in mind.  She and her planners believe in getting to know the traveler to ensure they have a vacation to remember.  With each planner specializing in a different market area, Boomerang Escapes can offer a wide variety of leisure vacation planning.

Lisa Rossmeissl3 Adventure Sports Invented in New Zealand
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