How to Create More Happiness

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When you finally manage to steal a moment for yourself do you:

Get right to the enjoyment and fun, or…

Lay on the sofa waiting for something fun to come along and entertain you?

About 18 years ago I became a mom again, to the world’s most amazing, gorgeous and genius babies–my twins, Roque and Reyna. (I’m sure you feel the same way about your babies, human or otherwise.) Well, although they are amazing, gorgeous geniuses, caring for them was exhausting. They ate every other hour. For fun they decided to alternate their feeding hours so just as I got one baby fed and to bed the other was waking up to eat. I remember thinking, “If I could just get 4 hours of sleep in a row I’ll be set.” From time to time my mom would take them for the day to give me a break.

That was the perfect time for me to play, right? Not.

I had no idea what I wanted to do. I’d always clean, do the laundry, groceries and run the errands. Then I’d be home, exhausted half asleep on the sofa watching TV while they were gone. Now please understand, if I was super engaged in what I was doing and enjoying it, I wouldn’t say that was a crappie way to spend my time. However, the fact is I was completely disengaged and wouldn’t have recognized FUN if it tried to smother me as I slept.

It never occurred to me to do something I enjoy, something fulfilling. Granted I did enjoy having the chores done but that left me feeling sad and lonely with little energy to do more than sleep.

Fast forward to today and I can tell you with a clarity I did not have before, it’s CRITICAL to stay connected to what you like and enjoy. Otherwise, you’ll fall off the path to Joy-ville, and end up in Funky Town.

After my 2008 Breakdown I learned about self-worth and realized how abusive I was to myself. Nothing will teach you that faster than acquiring an autoimmune disease and becoming disabled. I disconnected from any sense of what felt good and fun.

When I started learning about mind, body and soul wellness, well-being, I realized I was ill-equipped to live a life of love, happiness and peace. No one ever talked about not working too hard, getting enough sleep, and taking a timeout when you needed it. It happens so fast and easily without you noticing.

It would take some time, but I finally figured out what I enjoyed. Before the 2008 Breakdown I couldn’t get there. I didn’t understand how our bodies are affected by living in a society where “busy-ness” is valued more than “effectiveness” and how this way of thinking has left 93% of the population feeling stressed out, guilty, and/or exhausted.

How to Use Time to Create Happiness
The first thing I had to do is be mindfully present. We hear about this concept of being present and in the moment but how often do we actually do it. To help keep grounded in the present focus on what you are doing and nothing else. Notice your bodily sensations, the thoughts running through you mind, and how you are emotionally feeling while being where you are.

Then create time for play. Play is art, books, cooking, movies, music, comedy, traveling, flirting and daydreaming. We tend to dismiss play for adults. Usually play is perceived as unproductive, petty or at its worse, a guilty pleasure. We are made to believe once we’ve transitioned to adult status it’s time for us to get serious. As a result, between personal and professional aspirations and obligations we leave no time for play.

Last, journal every day. Write about what you did and the things you accomplished. Notice how you felt and celebrate your wins. Before you know it, you will be completely tuned into what you do that fulfills you and brings you joy.

Be committed to never lose touch with your inner child. The one that loves to laugh at silly jokes and sing as loud as she can while dancing wildly to her favorite song.

Put It To Work: This week practice being mindfully present, create time for play and journal about your days. At the end of the week read what you wrote out. Start a list of things you enjoy doing. Things that make the time fly and make you feel passionate and energized when you do them. Keep this list on you and when you get a minute go do one of the things on your Play-List. I keep my Play-List on my phone.

Play Time is one of the Happitunities I talk about often. Play time is meant to be purposeless, voluntary, fun, and pleasurable. Give yourself permission to enjoy the healing and connectivity playing brings to a heart-centered, joyous lifestyle.

Carmen M. Perez, is the founder of, a lifestyle e-magazine for entrepreneurs.

We help entrepreneurs understand they do not have to sacrifice their health, happiness or lifestyle to succeed. by sharing strategies to help them reclaim their time, calm the chaos and transform the way they experience their world. Sign up for your FREE content packed e-book, “Let’s get on with it! How to Survive Life’s Thriving Lessons” and receive her weekly advice on bringing order to chaos, busting through stress, and making the most of your time and living with passion, purpose, and play, visit

Lisa Rossmeissl is the owner of Boomerang Escapes, a home-based agency located in Old Bridge, New Jersey with agents in TN, MS, and WI. 

She has been a professional travel consultant since 2008 and specializes in Australia and the South Pacific. Australia, New Zealand, Tahiti, Fiji, and Cook Islands are among the specialist certificates she holds.  Her agency’s focus is on creating custom itineraries with their client’s wants, desires, and budgets in mind.  She and her planners believe in getting to know the traveler to ensure they have a vacation to remember.  With each planner specializing in a different market area, Boomerang Escapes can offer a wide variety of leisure vacation planning.

Carmen PerezHow to Create More Happiness
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Are You Suffering From Adulthood?

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Are you suffering from adulthood?

One way to know for sure is by asking yourself when was the last time you felt amazing and how long that feeling last?

Are you happy with your answer?
If not, you’re not alone. Unfortunately, as we get further and further along in our life journey we get distracted by this and that…and now is the time to end all of that.

Life is not something you survive, or suffer through. Life is your time to thrive. Take in all that your amazing life has to offer.

Play Time is one of the Happitunities ~ The best investment of time in yourself, your connections and your creativity, or as we refer to them at Effortless Living, Me Time, We Time and Play Time. These are collectively referred to as “Happitunities.” Studies have proven the best investment of your time for your health, prosperity and happiness, is the time you spend enjoying Happitunities.

Adults aren’t supposed to play!
At some point we learned adults aren’t supposed to enjoy play time. As a result we make ourselves too busy and decide there are more important things to do. It turns out, there are few things more important to your well-being than play. A study led by Alan Krueger, a Princeton researcher, found we are happiest when we are at play.

The Key to Happiness
It’s time to tear down the walls we’ve built being the person we are told to be, so we can be the person we know deep inside we really are. In a social environment where only 7% of the population have achieved well-being in their lives, society has told us play time is a luxury we cannot afford. It’s time to flip the switch. Play time is a destination that is all about the journey –the actual experience makes us happier people. By allowing guilt free, purposeless Play Time into our lives we are better able to connect on a meaningful level with ourselves and others.

When is there time for play?

It’s always play time. Bring joy and enthusiasm to everything you do. I write this knowing full well how difficult it is, but it’s a must to make more of your everyday. If you find bringing joy and enthusiasm to your everyday, the schedule more Play Time.

It really is that simple. Focus on tasks each day that matter and make a real impact on your workload. When you need a break plan one. Don’t get caught up in busy-ness that fills your time, but doesn’t help your productivity.
What does Play Time do for us?

Play Time connects you with who you really are and the things you enjoy and fulfill you. This is where happiness comes from, that feeling of fulfillment. Researchers say the more we absorb ourselves in the joy of what we are doing the happier we are.

Play Time helps align us with our deepest needs and be in the present moment. Your ability to enjoy Play Time is directly linked to a positive mood and a happier life because it buffers the effects of stress on your immune system and amplifies your vitality.

Studies show Play Time in the office increases performance and sparks creativity.

Put It To Work: Look at your agenda and schedule Play Time, either on your own or with a partner or two. Remember make this purposeless and fun. Laying in bed while checking your emails is not going to do it. Act goofy, let the big belly laughs rip. Go down a slide, fly a kite, or catch a Frisbee, whatever you decide to do do enjoy it. This is your life and you are in control of the joy you experience.

Carmen M. Perez, is the founder of, a lifestyle e-magazine for entrepreneurs.

We help entrepreneurs understand they do not have to sacrifice their health, happiness or lifestyle to succeed. by sharing strategies to help them reclaim their time, calm the chaos and transform the way they experience their world. Sign up for your FREE content packed e-book, “Let’s get on with it! How to Survive Life’s Thriving Lessons” and receive her weekly advice on bringing order to chaos, busting through stress, and making the most of your time and living with passion, purpose, and play, visit

Lisa Rossmeissl is the owner of Boomerang Escapes, a home-based agency located in Old Bridge, New Jersey with agents in TN, MS, and WI. 

She has been a professional travel consultant since 2008 and specializes in Australia and the South Pacific. Australia, New Zealand, Tahiti, Fiji, and Cook Islands are among the specialist certificates she holds.  Her agency’s focus is on creating custom itineraries with their client’s wants, desires, and budgets in mind.  She and her planners believe in getting to know the traveler to ensure they have a vacation to remember.  With each planner specializing in a different market area, Boomerang Escapes can offer a wide variety of leisure vacation planning.

Carmen PerezAre You Suffering From Adulthood?
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Strategies to Be More Mindful

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Do you want to change something in your life but constantly get derailed onto other people’s paths?

Mindful living is the constant awareness in the present moment on purpose without judgment to achieve an understanding who we are and how we relate to the world.

I remember when I first learned this. It sounded so simple. I thought no big deal, I could do this. I wish I could say I found it easy. What I found was my mind was all over the place. I spent half of every hour bringing myself to the present moment. I’d be reading but thinking about the grocery list. I’d be grocery shopping thinking about the bills I have to get paid. I’d be walking down the hall at work to a meeting, thinking about what I have to get done after my meeting, and interrupt that thought with a judgment on someone’s outfit.

To get there I had to start doing things differently. Eventually I got the hang of it and getting there was well worth it. I found that as I practiced mindful living, the art of being aware in the present moment on purpose without judgment, an intense sense of relief and peace came over me. At first the feeling would only last for a short while, but years later I am happy to say I can sustain this sense for most the day. When I deviate the from the practice, I can tell immediately and shift my thoughts.

12 Strategies To Be More Mindful – These will help you stay attentive, balanced and calm:

1. Breathe. Your breath is incredibly powerful and the foundation of mindfulness. How you’re breathing reflects how you’re feeling, physically and mentally.
2. Create. Integrate creativity into your day and the way you do things. I love to cook and will often create a new recipes. Mindfulness really boosts your creative flow.
3.Disconnect. Set rules for use of digital devices. I stopped beginning and ending my day by checking emails. I also put my phone away when I’m with loved ones and eating.

4. Dream. Give yourself some time to just sit and wander from time to time. I know it seems this would not be mindful living. There have been studies that indicate the more mindful we live the better our dreams.
5. Eat well. Pay attention to what you put in your body. Make the best decision you can to nourish yourself. If you don’t enjoy something, don’t eat it.
6. Experiment. Try new things willingly and often. There’s nothing like totally being in the moment during a new experience. I got to zip line about a year ago and I was overwhelmed with such an intense feeling of joy and peace hanging above the Black Falls in Jamaica. I felt blessed to be in the presence of wild beauty.
7. Feel. Own your feelings and give yourself permission to feel them. This isn’t about stuffing your feelings so you can be happy all of the time. Remember not to judge yourself and resist how you feel.
8. Focus. Integrate mindfulness throughout your day by deliberately focusing on what you are doing. Studies show those who do this are 27% more productive.
9. Laugh. Finding a way to laugh at your problems can improve the way you deal with them.
10. Limitations. Limit the television you watch, the social media you chat on and on-line games you play. Too much of any of these has show to increase depression and insomnia.
11. Meditate. Meditation is not about having no thoughts, it’s about emptying your mind of thoughts.
12. Walk. Take walks to clear your mind, change your lens or perspective of a situation as a result your awareness is amplified.

During my talks I always dig deep into mindfulness. During one of the darkest times in my life, this mindfulness is what got me through. I firmly believe mindfulness is where anyone who wants to change anything in their life should start.

Question: How to do say mindful about your path, your goals, or your dreams?

Put It To Work: Practice mindfulness for a week. Notice how this transforms the way you experience everything. Morning walks or rides in the car, not looking back or forward, just being in that moment, with the momentum carrying you from one step to the next while you enjoy mindful living. Tell me what if feels like to life from that place.

Carmen M. Perez, is the founder of, a lifestyle e-magazine for entrepreneurs.

We help entrepreneurs understand they do not have to sacrifice their health, happiness or lifestyle to succeed. by sharing strategies to help them reclaim their time, calm the chaos and transform the way they experience their world. Sign up for your FREE content packed e-book, “Let’s get on with it! How to Survive Life’s Thriving Lessons” and receive her weekly advice on bringing order to chaos, busting through stress, and making the most of your time and living with passion, purpose, and play, visit

Lisa Rossmeissl is the owner of Boomerang Escapes, a home-based agency located in Old Bridge, New Jersey with agents in TN, MS, and WI. 

She has been a professional travel consultant since 2008 and specializes in Australia and the South Pacific. Australia, New Zealand, Tahiti, Fiji, and Cook Islands are among the specialist certificates she holds.  Her agency’s focus is on creating custom itineraries with their client’s wants, desires, and budgets in mind.  She and her planners believe in getting to know the traveler to ensure they have a vacation to remember.  With each planner specializing in a different market area, Boomerang Escapes can offer a wide variety of leisure vacation planning.

Carmen PerezStrategies to Be More Mindful
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